Construction & project management

In high-risk environments the construction process can be a real challenge.
Cadini Group is able to implement construction projects in the harshest conditions in a professional and timely manner. Through our extensive experience, we have adapted to changing political conditions and varied requirements in the region in order to deliver to our clients the leverage of invaluable knowledge about the region’s unique labor requirements, tribal associations and security.

Cadini Group provides comprehensive construction management consulting services to private clients, NGO’s and Intergovernmental and governmental Organizations. Cadini Group has the engineering and construction experience to provide real-world, cost-effective solutions to the everyday challenges that owners, contractors, engineers, and architects face throughout the construction process in environments where accessibility, security and procurement can be a real challenge. From the initial concept to project closeout, we assist our clients in facilitating and coordinating the construction process to implement projects according to international standards, cost effective timely manner and creating shared prosperity for all and safeguarding the environment

Construction of 2nd floor, UNAMI BIAP Compound, (Green Zone) Baghdad, Iraq

Project Management & Construction Supervision at Al Zawraa entertainment Park in Baghdad, Iraq